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I'm Ilham Aulia Malik, a Software developer with 10 years experience . My work mostly on Android and Flutter Development. Interested in AI, Computer Vision and VR. Always enjoy learning new things and try to create better product. Feel free to explore some of my coding endeavors on GitHub or follow me on Twitter/X.
Telkom Akses Application
Flutter application for Telkom Akses that used to data management and installation of fiber optic.
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Schoters Application
Flutter application that support Schoters for Scholarship info and courses for students.
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Kitabisa Application
Android application that allow member to collect crowd funding and charity donations.
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Ahlijasa Application
Android application for Ahlijasa. Ahlijasa is a company that provides services such as laundry, AC maintenance and home cleaning. Customer can request the services with this application.
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Salaam Application
Android application that support Moslem lifestyle and provide Moslem activity such as Quran, Praying Time and Moslem Content.
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