Kitabisa Application

Project preview

Project Overview:

Kitabisa application is an android application that allow member to collect crowd funding and charity donations. The application is developed using Kotlin and the Android Studio. The application is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate.


Develop a user-friendly mobile app that allows users to collect crowd funding and charity donations.


  1. Donation:

Users can donate to charity by selecting the charity they want to donate to and specifying the amount they want to donate.

  1. Create Charity Event:

Users can create charity events by selecting the charity they want to host and specifying the date and time of the event.

  1. Donation Streak:

Application will suggest the user to do donation streak based on the donation frequency.

  1. Online Donation:

Users can send donations online through the application using e-wallets like Gojek, Ovo, and Bank Transfer.

  1. Notification for Scheduled Donation:

Application can send notifications to users before the scheduled donation time.

Technology Stack

  • Frontend: Android Native with Kotlin.
  • Backend: Golang and PHP.
  • Database: MYSQL.
  • Source Control: Git
  • Utility: Github, Bitrise, Firebase, Clevertap and Payment Gateway.


Kitabisa Application helps users to collect crowd funding and charity donations.

Google Play Link: You can download it on Google Play Store.